DC-to-DC Converter Modules
Ordering Information
Order Number
Temperature Range
-25°C ~ 85°C
* Please consult the factory or sales representative for pricing and availability.
JUN 2003
Package Type
Mobilelectron Co., Ltd. 41-14, Palyong-Dong, Changwon-City, Kyungnam-Do,
Republic of Korea, 641-465
TEL +82-55-256-1341∼3, +82-55-297-1341∼2 FAX 82-55-256-1344
This semiconductor technical data is believed to be accurate and reliable, however Mobilelectron does not assume any
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Mobilelectron reserves the right at anytime without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.
© Copyright 2003 Mobilelectron Co., Ltd.
MES1206 Rev. 1.3