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5962-8876901YC View Datasheet(PDF) - Avago Technologies

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5962-8876901YC Datasheet PDF : 14 Pages
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HCPL-520x, HCPL-523x, HCPL-623x, HCPL-625x,
5962-88768 and 5962-88769
Hermetically Sealed Low IF, Wide VCC, Logic Gate Optocouplers
Data Sheet
These units are single, dual and quad channel, hermeti�
cally sealed optocouplers. The products are capable of
operation and storage over the full military temperature
range and can be purchased as either standard product
or with full MIL-PRF-38534 Class Level H or K testing
or from the appropriate DSCC Drawing. All devices are
manufactured and tested on a MIL-PRF-38534 certified
line and are included in the DSCC Qualified Manufactur�
ers List QML-38534 for Hybrid Microcircuits.
Each channel contains an AlGaAs light emitting diode
which is optically coupled to an integrated high gain
photon detector. The detector has a threshold with hys�
teresis which provides differential mode noise immunity
and eliminates the potential for output signal chatter.
The detector in the single channel units has a tri-state
output stage which allows for direct connection to data
buses. The output is noninverting. The detector IC has
an internal shield that provides a guaranteed common
mode transient immunity of up to 10,000 V/µs. Improved
power supply rejection eliminates the need for special
power supply bypass precautions.
Dual Marked with Device Part Number and DSCC
Standard Microcircuit Drawing
�M�a�n�u�f�a�c�t�u�r�e�d��a�n�d� �T�e�s�te�d��o�n��a��M��I�L-��P�RF�-��38�5�3�4�� �C�e�r�t�i�
fied Line
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�W�id��e� �VCC Range (4.5 to 20 V)
�3�5�0�n�s� �M�a��x�im��u�m��P�ro��p�a�g�a�t�io�n��D��e�la�y�
�CM��R:�� �>� �1�0�,0��0�0� �V�/�µ�s� �T�y�p�ic�a��l
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Military and Space
High Reliability Systems
Transportation and Life Critical Systems
High Speed Line Receiver
Isolated Bus Driver (Single Channel)
Pulse Transformer Replacement
Ground Loop Elimination
Harsh Industrial Environments
Computer-Peripheral Interfaces
Note: A 0.1 mF bypass capacitor must be connected between VCC and GND pins.
CAUTION: It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly
of this component to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD.

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