factor can be from 0 to 31. The equation used to compute
the shift factor is:
Shift Factor = 45 - Ceiling(log2(RN)).
NOTE: With a CIC order of zero, the CIC shifter does not have
sufficient range to route more than 10 bits to the back end.
Back End Section
One back-end processing section is provided per channel.
Each back end section consists of a filter compute engine, a
FIFO for rate smoothing, an AGC and a cartesian-to-polar
coordinate conversion block. A block diagram showing the
major functional blocks and data routing is shown above.
The data input to the back end section is through the filter
compute engine. There are two other inputs to the filter
compute engine, they are a data recirculation path for
cascading filters and a magnitude and dφ/dt feedback path
for AM and FM filtering. There are seven outputs from each
back end processing section. These are I and Q directly out
of the filter compute engine (I2, Q2), I and Q passed through
the FIFO and AGC multipliers (I1, Q1), magnitude (MAG),
phase (or dφ/dt), and the AGC gain control value (GAIN).
The I2/Q2 outputs are used when cascading back end
stages. The routing of signals within the back end
processing section is controlled by the filter compute engine.
The routing information is embedded in the instruction bit
fields used to define the digital filter being implemented in
the filter compute engine.