The following represent the key differences between 03/26/96 and 06/12/97 version of the DS1321 data
sheet. Please review this summary carefully.
1. Changed ICCO1 from 200 to 185 mA max
2. Changed ICCO2 from 350 to 260 mA max
3. Changed VBTP from 2.55 - 2.65V to 2.50 - 2.70V
4. Changed RIM from 1.0 typ to 1.2 MW and 1.4 max to 1.5 MW
5. Changed tPD from 5 typ, 15 max to 12 typ, 20 max
6. Changed tRPO units from ns to ms
7. Changed block diagram to show U.L. compliance
The following represent the key differences between 06/12/97 and 09/29/97 version of the DS1321 data
sheet. Please review this summary carefully.
1. Changed AC test conditions
The following represent the key differences between 09/29/97 and 12/12/97 version of the DS1321 data
sheet. Please review this summary carefully.
1. Removed preliminary from title bar.
2. Specified which inputs and outputs are relevant for CIN and COUT specs. This is not a change, just
a clarification.
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