Offset Register
Offset errors can be introduced into the remote
temperature measurement by clock noise or when the
thermal transistor is located away from the hot spot. To
achieve the specified accuracy on this channel, these offsets
must be removed.
The offset value is stored as a 10−bit, twos complement
value in Register 0x11 (high byte) and Register 0x12 (low
byte, left justified). Only the upper two bits of Register 0x12
are used. The MSB of Register 0x11 is the sign bit. The
minimum, programmable offset is −128°C, and the
maximum is +127.75°C. The value in the offset register is
added to, or subtracted from, the measured value of the
remote temperature.
The offset register powers up with a default value of 0°C
and has no effect unless the user writes a different value to it.
Table 6. Sample Offset Register Codes
Offset Value
1000 0000
1111 1100
1111 1111
1111 1111
0000 0000
0000 0000
0000 0001
0000 0100
0111 1111
00 00 0000
00 00 0000
00 00 0000
11 00 0000
00 00 0000
01 00 0000
00 00 0000
00 00 0000
11 00 0000
One−Shot Register
The one−shot register is used to initiate a conversion and
comparison cycle when the ADT7421 is in standby mode,
after which the device returns to standby. Writing to the
one−shot register address (0x0F) causes the ADT7421 to
perform a conversion and comparison on both the internal
and the external temperature channels. This is not a data
register as such, and it is the write operation to Address 0x0F
that causes the one−shot conversion. The data written to this
address is irrelevant and is not stored.
Consecutive ALERT Register
The value written to this register determines how many
out−of−limit measurements must occur before an ALERT is
generated. The default value is that one out−of−limit
measurement generates an ALERT. The maximum value that
can be chosen is 4. The purpose of this register is to allow the
user to perform some filtering of the output. This is
particularly useful at the fastest three conversion rates, where
no averaging takes place. This register is at Address 0x22.
Table 7. Consecutive ALERT Register 0x22
Number of Out−of−Limit
Measurements Required
†x = Don’t care bit.