Data Sheet, Rev. 4
June 2001
A1750A DWDM Analog
Forward-Path or Return-Path Laser Module
s Low adiabatic chirp
s Excellent linearity
s Standard ITU wavelengths
s Advanced analog chip design
s Tested for forward-path or return-path applications
s Reduces equipment requirements in the hub
s Exceeds Telcordia Technologies* 468 specifica-
The A1750A laser module is a dense wavelength-
division multiplexing laser with a DFB chip designed
specifically for analog RF applications. The device
features low adiabatic chirp to maximize signal qual-
ity in short and long lengths of fiber. The laser’s
excellent inherent linearity minimizes degradation of
the broadcast signals caused by the QAM channels.
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) has gained
widespread acceptance in the telecommunications
market and is being designed into emerging cable
television network architectures. Dense WDM, a
method for delivering targeted QAM signals to differ-
ent locations, allows multiple signal sets to be com-
bined onto a single strand of fiber for transmission
from a headend to a hub. At the hub, individual QAM
signals can be selected and combined with broad-
cast analog channels. The A1750A DWDM laser
module reduces cable network architecture fiber
requirements and lessen equipment requirements in
the hub.
The A1750A is available at a variety of standard ITU
wavelengths. The lasers are offered as either for-
ward-path (40 MHz–860 MHz) or return-path mod-
ules (5 MHz–210 MHz).
s Networks with limited fiber
s Architectures using separate optical wavelengths
to carry targeted services
* Telcordia Technologies is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies