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sample/hold operations. Any pair of rising edges separated
by less than the idle timeout delay t3 (50ms minimum)
will cause the DAC code to be updated. Any pair of rising
edges separated by more than t3 (70ms maximum) will
be ignored and the DAC code will retain its previous value.
Note that after power-on-reset or when INX idles low, the
DAC will power down with a high impedance output.
Short INX Period Operation
The accuracy of the PWM to voltage conversion is guar-
anteed for INX input frequencies up to 6.25 kHz (12-bit),
25kHz (10-bit) or 100kHz (8-bit). Faster INX input fre-
quencies will proportionally decrease the resolution and
accuracy of the analog output. For INX input periods of
less than the computational delay t4 (nominally 3.2µs), the
DAC update will be skipped and the DAC code will retain
its previous value.
Short INX Pulse-Width Operation
Provide INX input high and low pulse widths greater than
tPWH and tPWL to ensure that the DAC output is updated
after every INX rising edge. High going pulses narrower
than tPWH will cause the DAC code to be calculated as
zero-scale, and low going pulses narrower than tPWL will
cause the DAC code to be calculated as full-scale. For
much narrower pulse widths of only a few nanoseconds,
the input edge may not be recognized, in which case the
DAC update will be skipped entirely and the DAC code will
retain its previous value.
Power-On Reset
The LTC2645 resets the output to a known state when
power is first applied, making system initialization con-
sistent and repeatable. Connect the IDLSEL pin to GND or
VCC according to Table 1 to cause the DACs to initialize to
zero-scale or with the device powered down and the DAC
outputs high impedance.
For some applications, downstream circuits are active
during DAC power-up, and may be sensitive to nonzero
outputs from the DAC during this time. The LTC2645
contains circuitry to reduce the power-on glitch when
zero-scale reset is selected: the analog output typically
rises less than 5mV above zero-scale during power on
if the power supply is ramped to 5V in 1ms or more. In
general, the glitch amplitude decreases as the power sup-
ply ramp time is increased.
Reference Modes
For applications where an accurate external reference
is not available, nor desirable due to limited space, the
LTC2645 has a user-selectable, integrated reference.
Internal Reference mode can be selected by connecting
the REFSEL pin to GND.
The 10ppm/°C, 1.25V internal reference is available at
the REF pin. This voltage is internally amplified by 2X to
provide a 2.5V full-scale DAC output voltage range. Add-
ing bypass capacitance to the REF pin will improve noise
performance; 0.1µF is recommended, and up to 10µF can
be driven without oscillation. The REF output must be
buffered when driving an external DC load current.
Alternatively, the DAC can operate in External Reference
mode by connecting the REFSEL pin to VCC. In this mode,
an input voltage supplied externally to the REF pin provides
the reference (1V ≤ VREF ≤ VCC) and the supply current is
reduced. In this mode the full-scale DAC output voltage
is equal to the voltage at the REF pin.
Power-Down Mode
For power constrained applications, power-down mode
can be used to reduce the supply current whenever less
than four DAC outputs are needed. When in power-down
mode, the buffer amplifiers, bias circuits, and integrated
reference circuits are disabled, and draw essentially zero
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