69h Y_MUTE 3 Muting analog luminance signal output
0 : Normal
CBLK_OFF 2 CBLK availability for luminance signal
0 : ON
SEL_BLK 1 Pedestal level of luminance signal
0 : 16th step
Y_NEGA 0 The polarity of luminance signal
0 : Normal
6Ah Y_NESFT 8 bits Base level of luminance signal
6Bh Y_NEAMP 8 bits Luminance signal level
6Ch MASK_NE 8 bits Masking level of luminance signal
Not used
Not used
Not used
70h CGAM-A1 8 bits 1st input range of color gamma correction
71h CGAM-A2 8 bits 2nd input range of color gamma correction
72h CGAM-A3 8 bits 3rd input range of color gamma correction
73h CGAM-A4 8 bits 4th input range of color gamma correction
74h CGAM-A5 8 bits 5th input range of color gamma correction
75h CGAM-A6 8 bits 6th input range of color gamma correction
76h CGAM-A7 8 bits 7th input range of color gamma correction
77h CGAM-A8 8 bits 8th input range of color gamma correction
78h CGAM-A9 8 bits 9th input range of color gamma correction
79h CGAM-P1 8 bits Offset of 1st straight line at color gamma correction
7Ah CGAM-P2 8 bits Offset of 2nd straight line at color gamma correction
7Bh CGAM-P3 8 bits Offset of 3rd straight line at color gamma correction
7Ch CGAM-P4 8 bits Offset of 4th straight line at color gamma correction
7Dh CGAM-P5 8 bits Offset of 5th straight line at color gamma correction
7Eh CGAM-P6 8 bits Offset of 6th straight line at color gamma correction
7Fh CGAM-P7 8 bits Offset of 7th straight line at color gamma correction
80h CGAM-P8 8 bits Offset of 8th straight line at color gamma correction
81h CGAM-P9 8 bits Offset of 9th straight line at color gamma correction
82h CGAM-P10 8 bits Offset of 10th straight line at color gamma correction
83h CGAM-F 1 bit Polarity of color gamma correction
84h CGAM-S1 8 bits Slope of 1st straight line at color gamma correction
85h CGAM-S2 8 bits Slope of 2nd straight line at color gamma correction
86h CGAM-S3 8 bits Slope of 3rd straight line at color gamma correction
87h CGAM-S4 8 bits Slope of 4th straight line at color gamma correction
88h CGAM-S5 8 bits Slope of 5th straight line at color gamma correction
89h CGAM-S6 8 bits Slope of 6th straight line at color gamma correction
8Ah CGAM-S7 8 bits Slope of 7th straight line at color gamma correction
8Bh CGAM-S8 8 bits Slope of 8th straight line at color gamma correction
8Ch CGAM-S9 8 bits Slope of 9th straight line at color gamma correction
8Dh CGAM-S10 8 bits Slope of 10th straight line at color gamma correction
Not used
1 : Muting
1 : OFF
1 : 0 step
1 : Inverted