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THAT2180 Series IC VCAs
Theory of Operation3
The THAT 2180 Series VCAs are designed for high
performance in audio-frequency applications requiring
exponential gain control, low distortion, wide dynamic
range and low control-voltage feedthrough. These parts
control gain by converting an input current signal to a
bipolar logged voltage, adding a dc control voltage, and
re-converting the summed voltage back to a current
through a bipolar antilog circuit.
Figure 5 presents a considerably simplified internal
circuit diagram of the IC. The ac input signal current
flows in pin1, the input pin. An internal operational
transconductance amplifier (OTA) works to maintain
pin 1 at a virtual ground potential by driving the emitters
of Q1 and (through the Voltage Bias Generator) Q3.
Q3/D3 and Q1/D1 act to log the input current, producing
a voltage, V3, which represents the bipolar logarithm of
the input current. (The voltage at the junction of D1 and
D2 is the same as V3, but shifted by four forward Vbe
Gain Control
Since pin 8, the output, is usually connected to a vir-
tual ground, Q2/D2 and Q4/D4 take the bipolar antilog
of V3, creating an output current which is a precise rep-
lica of the input current. If pin 2 (Ec+) and pin 3 (Ec-)
are held at ground, the output current will equal the in-
put current. For pin 2 positive or pin 3 negative, the out-
put current will be scaled larger than the input current.
For pin 2 negative or pin 3 positive, the output current is
scaled smaller than the input.
The scale factor between the output and input cur-
rents is the gain of the VCA. Either pin 2 (Ec+) or pin 3
(Ec-), or both, may be used to control gain. Gain is expo-
nentially proportional to the voltage at pin 2, and expo-
Figure 6. Gain vs. Control Voltage (EC+, Pin 2) at 25°C
Figure 7. Gain vs. Control Voltage (Ec-, Pin 3) at 25°C
2 Q1
Q2 3
Q4 4
Figure 5. Simplified Internal Circuit Diagram
Figure 8. Gain vs. Control Voltage (Ec-) with Temp (°C)
nentially proportional to the negative of the voltage at
pin 3. Therefore, pin 2 (Ec+) is the positive control port,
while pin 3 (Ec-) is the negative control port. Because of
the exponential characteristic, the control voltage sets
gain linearly in decibels. Figure 6 shows the decibel cur-
rent gain of a 2180 versus the voltage at Ec+, while Fig-
ure 7 shows gain versus the Ec-.
Temperature Effects
The logging and antilogging in the VCA depends on
the logarithmic relationship between voltage and current
in a semiconductor junction (in particular, between a
transistor's Vbe and Ic). As is well known, this relation-
ship is temperature dependent. Therefore, the gain of
any log-antilog VCA depends on its temperature.
3. For more details about the internal workings of the 2180 Series of VCAs, see An Improved Monolithic Volt-
age-Controlled Amplifier, by Gary K. Hebert (Vice-President, Engineering, for THAT Corporation), presented at the 99th
convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, Preprint number 4055.
THAT Corporation; 45 Sumner Street; Milford, Massachusetts 01757-1656; USA
Tel: +1 508 478 9200; Fax: +1 508 478 0990; Web: