Philips Semiconductors
Low power single card reader
s Minimum delay between two characters in reception mode:
x In protocol T = 0:
12 ETU (TDA8029HL/C1)
11.8 ETU (TDA8029HL/C2).
x In protocol T = 1:
11 ETU (TDA8029HL/C1)
10.8 ETU (TDA8029HL/C2).
s Supports synchronous cards which do not use C4/C8
s Current limitations on card contacts
s Supply supervisor for power-on/off reset and spikes killing
s DC-to-DC converter (supply voltage from 2.7 to 6 V), doubler, tripler or follower
according to VCC and VDD
s Shut-down input for very low power consumption
s Enhanced ESD protection on card contacts (6 kV minimum)
s Software library for easy integration
s Communication with the host through a standard full duplex serial link at
programmable baud rates
s One external interrupt input and four general purpose I/Os.
3. Applications
s Portable card readers
s General purpose card readers
s EMV compliant card readers.
4. Quick reference data
9397 750 14145
Product data sheet
Table 1: Quick reference data
Symbol Parameter
supply voltage
NDS conditions
input voltage for the
DC-to-DC converter
supply current in Shut-down VDD = 3.3 V
supply current in
Power-down mode
VDD = 3.3 V; card inactive;
microcontroller in
Power-down mode
supply current in Sleep
VDD = 3.3 V; card active at
VCC = 5 V; clock stopped;
microcontroller in
Power-down mode;
ICC = 0 A
supply current in operating
ICC = 65 mA;
fXTAL = 20 MHz;
fCLK = 10 MHz; 5 V card;
VDD = 2.7 V
Min Typ Max Unit
2.7 - 6.0 V
3 - 6.0 V
6.0 V
20 µA
110 µA
800 µA
- - 250 mA
Rev. 03 — 22 February 2005
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
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