NXP Semiconductors
Low power IC card interface
8. Functional description
Remark: Throughout this document, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with
ISO 7816 and EMV terminology.
8.1 Power supplies
The supply pins for the TDA8023 are VDD and GND. VDD should be in the range from
2.7 V to 6.5 V. The supply voltages VDD, VDD(INTF) and VDD(DCDC) may be applied to the
TDA8023 in any time sequence.
All interface signals with the system controller are referenced to a separate supply voltage
VDD(INTF) on pin VDDI, that may be lower or higher than VDD.
For generating a supply voltage VCC of 5 V 5 % or 3 V 5 % used by the card, an
integrated DC-to-DC converter is incorporated. This DC-to-DC converter should be
separately supplied by VDD(DCDC) on pin VDDP and GNDP (from 2.7 V to 6.5 V).
The I2C-bus signals SDA and SCL may be externally referenced to a voltage higher than
8.2 Voltage supervisor
8.2.1 Without external divider on pin PORADJ
The voltage supervisor surveys the VDD supply voltage. It is used as Power-On Reset
(POR) and as supply dropout detection during a card session. Supply dropout detection
ensures that a proper deactivation sequence is followed before the voltage is too low. A
reset pulse of duration tW (see Figure 4) is used internally for maintaining the TDA8023 in
the Inactive mode during powering up or powering down of VDD.
As long as VDD is less than Vth(POR)H the TDA8023 will remain inactive whatever the levels
on the command lines are. This also lasts for the duration of tW after VDD has reached a
level higher than Vth(POR)H. When VDD falls below Vth(POR)L an automatic deactivation
sequence of the contacts is performed.
In this case (no external resistor bridge) it is mandatory to connect pin PORADJ to GND.
Product data sheet
power on
shutdown mode
status read
status read
power off
bus unresponsive
bus unresponsive
Fig 4. Voltage supervisor and Shutdown mode
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Rev. 2.0 — 24 June 2016
bus unresponsive
© NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved.
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