Through Hole General Information
Through Hole
General Infornation
Leading-Edge Technology
Token Electronics brand passive component specializes in standard and custom solutions offering t
he latest in state-of-the-art low profile high power density inductor components. Token provides
cost-effective, comprehensive solutions that meet the evolving needs of technology-driven markets.
In working closely with the industry leaders in chipset and core development, we remain at the
forefront of innovation and new technology to deliver the optimal mix of packaging, high efficiency
and unbeatable reliability. Our designs utilize high frequency, low core loss materials, new and
custom core shapes in combination with innovative construction and packaging to provide designers
with the highest performance parts available on the market.
Find Inductor Solutions Faster
Find Your Inductor - wt.moc.nekot@qfr
Only timely and accurate information can help manage the changing needs of your customers. The
Token InductorFinder puts you only a click away from all of the inductor information you need.
Find Your Solution - wt.moc.nekot@qfr
Selecting the correct inductor solution will not only save you time, but it will give you a competitive
edge. At Token, we are committed to helping you find the most efficient alternative for your power
design. Our inductor and power supply design experts can help you make that selection.
Please forward us:
● A brief description of your particular application’s requirements.
● Details of an existing solution that you’d like to replace, enhance or find an alternative.
● Inquiries for feasibility to tailor a power transformer or inductor to your specific application.
We can also help you with any additional technical information you might need relating to any of
our sproducts.
Ask Us Today
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