A371-Type Analog Uncooled Isolated
DFB FastLight Laser Module
Data Sheet
January 1999
Electro/Optical Characteristics (continued)
Analog Operation
The A371-Type Laser Module has the capability of being used in a wide variety of analog operations. These may
include several channels of pure video signals, or a mix of video signals with digital data channels riding on analog
carriers. It is difficult to prepare a single battery of testing conditions that will satisfy all applications. The following
table contains a set of testing conditions that Lucent believes will give a broad indication of the performance of the
A371 Series Laser Module. Please contact your local Field Application Engineer if different testing conditions and
parametric limits are required.
The distortion characteristics are measured using a two-tone test. The frequencies are 13 MHz and 19 MHz. The
second-order distortion components are measured at f1 + f2 = 32 MHz and f1 – f2 = 6 MHz. All third-order distor-
tion components are measured in the frequency range of 5 MHz—200 MHz, and they meet the required level. All
measurements are made with SC-SPC connectors on the laser module pigtails.
Table 3. Analog Characteristics
Output Power*
Relative Intensity Noise
Modulation Bandwidth
Second-order Distortions
Third-order Distortions
Spurious Noise
Spurious Noise (carrier off)
Test Conditions
CW, T = –40 °C to +85 °C
CW, PF = 2.0 mW,
Freq. = 5 MHz to 300 MHz;
no fiber loss, T = –40 °C to +85 °C
–3 dB, PF = 2.0 mW,
T = –40 °C to +85 °C
— T = 25 °C, PF = 2.0 mW, OMI = 0.2; —
Two-tone test: f1 = 13 MHz,
f2 = 19 MHz; 20 km of fiber,
(7 dB loss) plus connector loss,
f1 ± f2
— T = 25 °C, PF = 2.0 mW, OMI = 0.2; —
Two-tone test: f1 = 13 MHz,
f2 = 19 MHz; 20 km of fiber
(7 dB loss), plus connector loss,
all peaks from 5 MHz—50 MHz
meet this level
NSP T = 25 °C, PF = 2.0 mW, OMI = 0.2; —
ref. to one-tone: 5 MHz to 50 MHz,
20 km of fiber, (7 dB loss) plus
connector loss
T = 25 °C, PF = 2.0 mW
RF Bandpass Flatness
BPF Peak to valley, 5 MHz to 200 MHz —
* See Table 5 for more information.
† Double-isolated version.
‡ Low-performance option.
§ Single- and double-isolated versions.
–75 †
— GHz
–50 dBc
–54† dBc
–42‡ dBc
–63 dBc
–68† dBc
–61‡ dBc
–60§ dBc
–58‡ dBc
–45 dBc
–50† dBc
–40‡ dBc
Lucent Technologies Inc.