defining a degree of excellence
• Bel has designed this product to operate in ATM 25.6 Mbps applications with transceivers that incorporate the
required differential filtering using digital techniques within the silicon.
• The S558-5999-85 can be used as either a transmit or receive function, providing high isolation, wide bandwidth, and
EMI and common mode noise suppression. This part is ideally used in PC-card applications, where less than 0.100
inches for height of parts is required.
• Bel's low profile, surface mount packaging is ideal for high speed pick and place machinery. Parts can be shipped on
tape and reel for high speed placement. Construction processes have been implemented for thermal compatibility
with high temperature IR reflow assembly processing. Post dipping of leads assist with PC board solderability. Each
part is optically inspected to meet rigid coplanarity requirements.
Corporate Office
Bel Fuse Inc.
198 Van Vorst Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302-4496
Tel: 201-432-0463
Fax: 201-432-9542
E-Mail: BelFuse@belfuse.com
Internet: http://www.belfuse.com
Far East Office
Bel Fuse Ltd.
8F/8 Luk Hop Street
San Po Kong
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2328-5515
Fax: 852-2352-3706
European Office
Bel Fuse Europe Ltd.
Preston Technology Management Centre
Marsh Lane, Preston PR1 8UD
Lancashire, U.K.
Tel: 44-1772-556601
Fax: 44-1772-888366