Pin Description
Applications Information
Overvoltage Protection
Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for all CMOS
devices. Do not exceed the absolute maximum ratings, because
stresses beyond the listed ratings may cause permanent damage to
the devices. Always sequence V+ on first, and then the logic
inputs. If power-supply sequencing is not possible, add a small
signal diode or current limiting resistor in series with the supply
pin for overvoltage protection (Figure 1). Adding a diode reduces
the analog signal range, but low switch resistance and low leakage
characteristics are unaffected.
Test Circuits/Timing Diagrams
Figure 1. Overvoltage protection is accomplished using an exter-
nal blocking diode or a current limiting resistor .
Figure 2. Switching Times
Figure 3. Charge Injection
PS8184A 10/15/98