Electrical Characteristics: (Note 3)
Test Conditions
Min Typ Max Unit
Input Offset Voltage
Input Offset Current
Input Bias Current
Voltage Gain
Response Time
Saturation Voltage
Output Leakage Current
Input Offset Voltage
Input Offset Current
TA = +25°C, RS ≤ 5k, Note 4
TA = +25°C, Note 4
TA = +25°C
TA = +25°C, Note 6
TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V, Note 5
VIN ≤ –10mV, IOUT = 25mA TA = +25°C
VIN ≥ 10mV, VOUT = 35V, V– = VGND = 0V,
TA = +25°C
RS ≤ 5k, Note 4
Note 4
– 2.0 8.0 mV
– 80 200 nA
– 250 1000 nA
8 40 – V/mV
– 80 – ns
– 0.75 1.5 V
– 0.2 10 µA
– – 10 mV
– – 300 nA
Input Bias Curent
– – 1200 nA
Input Voltage Range
VS = ±15V
V+ = 5V, V– = 0
– ±13 – V
Saturation Voltage
Differential Input Voltage
Positive Supply Current
Positive Supply Current
Negative Supply Current
V+ ≥ 4.5V, V– = 0, VIN ≤ –10mV, ISINK ≤ 3.2mA
TA = +25°C, V+ = 5V, V– = 0
TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V
TA = +25°C, VS = ±15V
– 0.3 0.4 V
– – ±5 V
– 4.3 – mA
– 8 12.5 mA
– 3 5 mA
Note 3. These specifications apply for VS = ±15V, and 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C, unless otherwise stated.
The offset voltage, offset current and bias current specifications apply for any supply voltage
from a single 5V supply up to ±15V supplies. Do not operate the device with more than 16V
from ground to VS.
Note 4. The offset voltages and offset currents given are the maximum values required to drive the
output within a volt of either supply with a 1mA load. Thus, these parameters define an error
band and take into account the worst case effects of voltage gain and input impedance.
Note 5. The response time specified is for a 100mV input step with 5mV overdrive.
Note 6. Output is pulled up to 15V through a 1.4Ω resistor.
Pin Connection Diagram
N.C. 1
N.C. 2
GND 1 3
Non–Inverting Input 1 4
Inverting Input 1 5
V (–) 6
Output 2 7
14 N.C.
13 N.C.
12 Output 1
11 V (+)
10 Inverting Input 2
9 Non–Inverting Input 2
8 GND 2