622Mbps LAN/WAN Laser Driver with
Automatic Power Control and Safety Shutdown
Set Modulation-Current Tempco
Compute the required modulation tempco from the
slope efficiency of the laser at TA = +25°C and at a hot
temperature. Then select the value of RTC from the
Typical Operating Characteristics.
For example, suppose a laser has a slope efficiency
(SE) of 0.021mW/mA at +25°C, which reduces to
0.018mW/mA at +85°C. The temperature coefficient is
given by the following:
( ) Laser tempco = SE85 − SE25 • 106
( ) SE25 • 85 − 25
= −2380ppm / °C
From the Typical Operating Characteristics, the value
for RTC, which offsets the tempco of the laser, is 3kΩ. If
modulation temperature compensation is not desired,
connect TC directly to REF1.
Set Modulation Current
The modulation-current amplitude can be programmed
with a fixed resistor or adjusted with a potentiometer. A
small internal resistance is provided to prevent damage
if the potentiometer is adjusted to the end of its range.
The value of RMOD can be selected from the Typical
Operating Characteristics.
Example: A transmitter requires average power of
-8dBm (160µW), with an extinction ratio of 15. The opti-
cal signal output is 280µW (see Optical Power
Relations). If the slope efficiency is 0.021mW/mA at
+25°C, then the required modulation current is
0.280mW / 0.021mW/mA = 13.3mA. From the Typical
Operating Characteristics, the value of RMOD is select-
ed to be 3kΩ.
Set Average Laser Power
and Maximum Bias Current
When APC is used, the average power control is pro-
grammed by RPOWERSET, which is typically a poten-
tiometer. The value of RPOWERSET can be estimated
from the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Example: Suppose a transmitter’s output power will be
adjusted to -8dBm (160µW) average power during
manufacturing. The coupling efficiency from laser to
monitor photodiode varies from 0.4A/W to 0.8A/W for
the selected laser, causing monitor current to vary
between 64µA and 128µA. From the Typical Operating
Characteristics, RPOWERSET should be adjustable
between 12kΩ and 24kΩ.
Select RBIASMAX to provide sufficient current for a hot
laser at its end of life. For example, if the expected
laser threshold at +85°C and end of life is 40mA, then
from the Typical Operating Characteristics, RBIASMAX
should be 1kΩ or less.
If APC is not used, the laser bias current is pro-
grammed by RBIASMAX. Select RBIASMAX from the
Typical Operating Characteristics.
Set APC Time Constant
Capacitor CMD determines the APC time constant, and
must be large enough not to cause data-dependent jit-
ter. For 622Mbps SONET/ATM applications, Maxim rec-
ommends selecting CMD ≥ 0.1µF.
When using the latched shutdown configuration, deter-
mine the minimum value of CSAFETY from the Typical
Operating Characteristics. Calculate CSAFETY as follows:
20kΩ • IMD
For example: If CMD is 0.1µF and typical monitor cur-
rent (IMD) is 100µA, then the value of CSAFETY should
be 50nF or larger. This ensures that tSAFETY is at least
10 times the tAPC.
Design Bias Filter
To reduce data-dependent jitter, add a filter at BIAS
(see Typical Operating Circuit). Maxim recommends a
1µH inductor or ferrite bead with a self-resonance fre-
quency of 200MHz or more.
Design Laser-Compensation
Filter Network
Laser package lead inductance causes the laser
impedance to increase at high frequencies, which
leads to ringing, overshoot, and degradation of the out-
put eye. A laser-compensation filter network can be
used to reduce the output load seen by the MAX3766
at high frequencies, thereby reducing output ringing
and overshoot.
The compensation components (RCOMP and CCOMP)
are most easily determined by experimentation. Begin
with a no-compensation network, and observe the ring
frequency (fn) of the laser and laser driver (Figure 7).
Begin with RCOMP = 25Ω and CCOMP = 1/(2πfn RCOMP).
Increase CCOMP until the desired transmitter eye is
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