Evaluation Board
Demonstration Board
2.4. Magnetic Knob
The magnetic knob features a small SmCo magnet diametrally magnetized D6H2.5 (Diameter = 6 mm
and Height = 2.5 mm).
2.5. Pictures
Top & Magnetic Knob
Bottom & Magnetic Knob
3. Demonstration Board (DMB_MLX90316)
3.1. Description
The DMB_MLX90316 consists into a Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Magnetic Knob and a digital voltmeter
• The PCB implements the same application diagram as the EVB_MLX90316DC. The PCB also features
an aluminum ring in order to center the magnetic knob (see below) above the sensitive area of
MLX90316.The part is programmed to get a 1 V … 4.6 V output swing for 0 … 360 Degrees travel (i.e.
10 mV/Degree). This 3.6 V span is then further measured by the DVM (see below) after a resistive
divider 1 ÷ 10 (final sensitivity = 1 mV/Degree).
• The magnetic knob features a small SmCo magnet diametrally magnetized D6H2.5 (Diameter = 6 mm
and Height = 2.5 mm).
• The digital voltmeter: measures 10% (resistive divider 1 ÷ 10) of the output voltage and displays the
value. The reading is in mV or in Degree given the sensitivity of 1 mV/Degree.
Rev 001
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Apr. 06