Clocks and Reset
Master Clock (CLK2X). M7020R samples all the
data and control pins on the positive edge of
CLK2X. All signals are driven out of the device on
the rising edge of CLK2X (when PHS_L is low).
Phase (PHS_L). This signal runs at half the fre-
quency of CLK2X and generates an internal CLK
from CLK2X see Figure 9, page 20.
Test Input (TEST - for Cypress Semiconductor
Use Only). This signal should be connected to
Reset (RST_L). Driving RST_L low initializes the
device to a known state.
CMD and DQ Bus
CMD Bus (CMD[8:0]. [1:0] specifies the com-
mand; [8:2] contains the CMD parameters. The
descriptions of individual commands explains the
details of the parameters. The encoding of com-
mands based on the [1:0] field are:
– 00: PIO READ
– 10: SEARCH
– 11: LEARN
CMD Valid (CMDV). Qualifies the CMD bus:
– 0: No Command
– 1: Command
Address/Data Bus (DQ[67:0]). This signal carries
the READ and WRITE address and data during
register, data, and mask array operations. It car-
ries the compare data during SEARCH opera-
tions. It also carries the SRAM address during
SRAM PIO accesses.
READ Acknowledge (ACK). This signal indi-
cates that valid data is available on the DQ Bus
during register, data, and mask array READ oper-
ations, or the data is available on the SRAM data
bus during SRAM READ operations.
Note: ACK Signals require a weak external pull-
down resistor such as 47 or 100 KΩ.
End of Transfer (EOT). This signal indicates the
end of burst transfer to the data or mask array dur-
ing READ or WRITE burst operations.
Note: EOT Signals require a weak external pull-
down resistor such as 47 KΩ or 100 KΩ.
SEARCH Successful Flag (SSF). When assert-
ed, this signal indicates that the device is the glo-
bal winner in a SEARCH operation.
SEARCH Successful Flag Valid (SSV). When
asserted, this signal qualifies the SSF signal.
SRAM Interface
SRAM Address (SADR[21:0]). This bus con-
tains address lines to access off-chip SRAMs that
contain associative data. See Table 50, page 127
for the details of the generated SRAM address. In
a database of multiple M7020Rs, each corre-
sponding bit of SADR from all cascaded devices
must be connected.
SRAM Chip Enable (CE_L). This is chip enable
control for external SRAMs. In a database of mul-
tiple M7020Rs, CE_L of all cascaded devices
must be connected. This signal is then driven by
only one of the devices.
SRAM Write Enable (WE_L). This is write en-
able control for external SRAMs. In a database of
multiple M7020Rs, WE_L of all cascaded devices
must be connected together. This signal is then
driven by only one of the devices.
SRAM Output Enable (OE_L). This is output en-
able control for external SRAMs. Only the last de-
vice drives this signal (with the LRAM bit set).
Address Latch Enable (ALE_L). When this sig-
nal is low, the addresses are valid on the SRAM
Address Bus. In a database of multiple M7020Rs,
the ALE_L of all cascaded devices must be con-
nected. This signal is then driven by only one of
the devices.
Cascade Interface
Local Hit In (LHI[6:0]). These pins depth-cas-
cade the device to form a larger table size. One
signal of this bus is connected to the LHO[1] or
LHO[0] of each of the upstream devices in a block.
All unused LHI pins are connected to a logic '0.'
(For more information, see DEPTH-CASCADING,
page 122.)
Local Hit Out (LHO[1:0]). LHO[1] and LHO[0]
are the same logical signal. LHO[1] or LHO[0] is
connected to one input of the LHI bus of up to four
downstream devices in a block of up to eight de-
vices. (For more information, see DEPTH-CAS-
CADING, page 122.)
Block Hit In (BHI[2:0]). Inputs from the previous
BHO[2:0] are tied to the BHI[2:0] of the current de-
vice. In a four-block system, the last block can
contain only seven devices because the ID code
11111 is used for broadcast access.
Block Hit Out (BHO[2:0]). These outputs from
the last device in a block are connected to the
BHI[2:0] inputs of the devices in the downstream
Full In (FULI[6:0]). Each signal in this bus is con-
nected to FULO[0] or FULO[1] of an upstream de-
vice to generate the FULL signal for the depth-
cascaded block.