M28F410, M28F420
Table 7. Status Register
7 P/E.C. Status
’1’ Ready
’0’ Busy
6 Suspend
5 Erase Status
’1’ Suspended
In progress or
’1’ Erase Error
’0’ Erase Success
3 VPP Status
’1’ Program Error
’1’ VPP Low, Abort
’0’ VPP OK
2 Reserved
1 Reserved
0 Reserved
Notes: Logic level ’1’ is High, ’0’ is Low.
Indicates the P/E.C. status, check during Program
or Erase, and on completion before checking bits
b4 or b5 for Program or Erase Success
On an Erase Suspend instruction P/ECS and
ESS bits are set to ’1’. ESS bit remains ’1’ until an
Erase Resume instruction is given.
ES bit is set to ’1’ if P/E.C. has applied the
maximum number of erase pulses to the block
without achieving an erase verify.
PS bit set to ’1’ if the P/E.C. has failed to program
a byte or word.
VPPS bit is set if the VPP voltage is below
VPPH(min) when a Program or Erase instruction
has been executed.
is first applied, on exit from power down or if VCC
falls below VLKO, the command interface is reset to
Read Memory Array.
Instructions and Commands
Eight Instructions are defined to perform Read
Memory Array, Read Status Register, Read Elec-
tronic Signature, Erase, Program, Clear Status
Register, Erase Suspend and Erase Resume. An
internalProgram/EraseController (P/E.C.) handles
all timing and verification of the Program and Erase
instructions and provides status bits to indicate its
operation and exit status. Instructions are com-
posed of a first command write operation followed
by either second command write, to confirm the
commands for programming or erase, or a read
operationto read data from the array, the Electronic
Signature or the Status Register.
For added data protection, the instructions for byte
or word program and block erase consist of two
commands that are written to the memory and
which start the automatic P/E.C. operation. Byte or
word programming takes typically 9μs, block erase
typically 1 second. Erasure of a memory block may
be suspended in order to read data from another
block and then resumed. A Status Register may be
read at any time, including during the programming
or erase cycles, to monitor the progress of the
Power Saving
The M28F410 and M28F420 have a number of
power saving features. A CMOS standby mode is
entered when the Chip Enable E and the Re-
set/Power Down (RP) signals are at VCC, when the
supply current drops to typically 60μA. A deep
power down mode is enabled when the Re-
set/Power Down (RP) signal is at VSS, when the
supply current drops to typically 0.2μA. The time
required to awake from the deep power down mode
is 300ns maximum, with instructions to the C.I.
recognised after only 210ns.