ENABLE (Pin 1): Connection Enable Input. This 0.6V nomi-
nal threshold input pin enables or disables the LTC4308.
For normal operation, pull or connect ENABLE high. Driving
ENABLE below the 0.45V threshold isolates SDAIN from
SDAOUT, SCLIN from SCLOUT, asserts READY low, and
prohibits automatic clock and stop bit generation during a
fault condition. A rising edge on ENABLE after a fault has
occurred forces a connection between SDAIN, SDAOUT
and SCLIN, SCLOUT. Connect to VCC if unused.
SCLOUT (Pin 2): Serial Clock Output. Connect this pin to a
SCL bus segment where bus stuck low recovery is desired.
A pull-up resistor should be connected between this pin
and a bus pull-up supply greater than or equal to VCC.
SCLIN (Pin 3): Serial Clock Input. Connect this pin to a SCL
bus segment where isolation from bus stuck low issues is
desired. A pull-up resistor should be connected between
this pin and a bus pull-up supply greater than 0.9V.
GND (Pin 4): Device Ground. Connect this pin to a ground
plane for best results.
READY (Pin 5): Connection Ready Status Output. This
open-drain N-channel MOSFET pin pulls low when
ENABLE is low, when the startup and connection sequence
described in the Operation section has not been completed,
or when the LTC4308 disconnects the input and output
pins due to a bus stuck low condition. READY goes high
when ENABLE is high and connection is made between the
input and output pins. Connect a pull-up resistor, typically
10k, from this pin to the bus pull-up supply. This pin can
be left open if unused.
SDAIN (Pin 6): Serial Data Input. Connect this pin to a SDA
bus segment where isolation from bus stuck low issues is
desired. A pull-up resistor should be connected between
this pin and a bus pull-up supply greater than 0.9V.
SDAOUT (Pin 7): Serial Data Output. Connect this pin to a
SDA bus segment where bus stuck low recovery is desired.
A pull-up resistor should be connected between this pin
and a bus pull-up supply greater than or equal to VCC.
VCC (Pin 8): Supply Voltage Input. Place a bypass capacitor
of at least 0.01μF close to VCC for best results.
Exposed Pad (Pin 9, DFN Package Only): Exposed Pad
may be left open or connected to device ground.