GND (Pin 1): Analog Ground.
REFLO (Pin 2): Reference Low. The voltage at this pin
sets the zero-scale (ZS) voltage of all DACs. This pin can
be raised up to 1V above ground at VCC = 5V or 100mV
above ground at VCC = 3V.
REFA to REFD (Pins 3, 6, 12, 15): Reference Voltage
Inputs for each DAC. REFx sets the full-scale voltage of
the DACs. REFLO ≤ REFx ≤ VCC.
VOUTA to VOUTD (Pins 4, 5, 13, 14): DAC Analog Voltage
Outputs. The output range is from REFLO to REFx.
CA2 (Pin 7): Chip Address Bit 2. Tie this pin to VCC, GND
or leave it floating to select an I2C slave address for the
part (Table 1).
SCL (Pin 8): Serial Clock Input Pin. Data is shifted into
the SDA pin at the rising edges of the clock. This high
impedance pin requires a pull-up resistor or current
source to VCC.
SDA (Pin 9): Serial Data Bidirectional Pin. Data is shifted
into the SDA pin and acknowledged by the SDA pin. This
pin is high impedance pin while data is shifted in and is an
open-drain N-channel output during acknowledgment. SDA
requires a pull-up resistor or current source to VCC.
CA1 (Pin 10): Chip Address Bit 1. Tie this pin to VCC, GND
or leave it floating to select an I2C slave address for the
part (Table 1).
CA0 (Pin 11): Chip Address Bit 0. Tie this pin to VCC, GND
or leave it floating to select an I2C slave address for the
part (Table 1).
VCC (Pin 16): Supply Voltage Input. 2.7V ≤ VCC ≤ 5.5V.