Peak Harmonic or Spurious Noise
The peak harmonic or spurious noise is the largest spec-
tral component excluding the input signal and DC. This
value is expressed in dB relative to the RMS value of a full-
scale input signal.
Full-Power and Full-Linear Bandwidth
The full-power bandwidth is that input frequency at which
the amplitude of the reconstructed fundamental is re-
duced by 3db for a full-scale input signal.
The full-linear bandwidth is the input frequency at which
the S/(N + D) has dropped to 74dB (12 effective bits). The
LTC1411 has been designed to optimize input bandwidth,
allowing the ADC to undersample input signals with fre-
quencies above the converter’s Nyquist frequency. The
noise floor stays very low at high frequencies; S/(N + D)
becomes dominated by distortion at frequencies far be-
yond Nyquist.
Driving the Analog Input
The differential analog inputs of the LTC1411 are easy to
drive. The inputs may be driven differentially or as a single-
ended input (i.e., the AIN– input is tied to a fixed DC voltage
such as the REFOUT pin of the LTC1411 or an external
source). Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram for the
analog inputs of the LTC1411. The AIN+ and AIN– are
sampled at the same instant. Any unwanted signal that is
common mode to both inputs will be reduced by the
common mode rejection of the sample-and-hold circuit.
The inputs draw only one small current spike while charg-
ing the sample-and-hold capacitors at the end of conver-
sion. During conversion, the analog inputs draw only a
small leakage current. If the source impedance of the
driving circuits is low, then the LTC1411 inputs can be
driven directly. More acquisition time should be allowed
for a higher impedance source. Figure 5 shows the acqui-
sition time versus source resistance.
Choosing an Input Amplifier
Choosing an input amplifier is easy if a few requirements
are taken into consideration. First, to limit the magnitude
of the voltage spike seen by the amplifier from charging
10 100 1000 10000 100000
1411 G16
Figure 5. Acquisition Time vs Source Resistance
the sampling capacitor, choose an amplifier that has a low
output impedance (<100Ω) at the closed-loop bandwidth
frequency. For example, if an amplifier is used in a gain of
1 and has a unity-gain bandwidth of 50MHz, then the
output impedance at 50MHz must be less than 100Ω. The
second requirement is that the closed-loop bandwidth
must be greater than 40MHz to ensure adequate small-
signal settling for full throughput rate. If slower op amps
are used, more settling time can be provided by increasing
the time between conversions.
The best choice for an op amp to drive the LTC1411 will
depend on the application. Generally applications fall into
two categories: AC applications where dynamic specifica-
tions are most critical and time domain applications where
DC accuracy and settling time are most critical. The
following list is a summary of the op amps that are suitable
for driving the LTC1411. More detailed information is
available in the Linear Technology Databooks and on the
LinearViewTM CD-ROM.
LT®1227: 140MHz Video Current Feedback Amplifier.
10mA supply current. ±5V to ±15V supplies. Low noise.
Good for AC applications.
LT1395: 400MHz Current Feedback Amplifier. Single 5V
or ±5V supplies. Good for AC applications.
LT1800: 80MHz, 25V/µs Low Power Rail-to-Rail Input and
Output Precision Op Amp. Specified at 3V, 5V and ±5V
supplies. Excellent DC performance.
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