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LT3060ETS8-TR Datasheet PDF : 20 Pages
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ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating
temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. (Note 3)
Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings
Note 6: To satisfy minimum input voltage requirements, the LT3060 is
may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute
tested and specified for these conditions with an external resistor divider
Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device
(bottom 115k, top 365k) for an output voltage of 2.5V. The external
reliability and lifetime.
resistor divider adds 5μA of DC load on the output. The external current is
Note 2: Absolute maximum input-to-output differential voltage is not
not factored into GND pin current.
achievable with all combinations of rated IN pin and OUT pin voltages.
Note 7: Dropout voltage is the minimum input-to-output voltage
With the IN pin at 50V, the OUT pin may not be pulled below 0V. The total
differential needed to maintain regulation at a specified output current. In
measured voltage from IN to OUT must not exceed ±50V.
Note 3: The LT3060 is tested and specified under pulse load conditions
dropout, the output voltage equals: (VIN – VDROPOUT). For some output
voltages, minimum input voltage requirements limit dropout voltage.
such that TJ TA. The LT3060E regulator is 100% tested at TA = 25°C.
Performance at –40°C to 125°C is assured by design, characterization
Note 8: GND pin current is tested with VIN = V(OUT(NOMINAL) + 0.5V and a
current source load. GND pin current will increase in dropout. See GND pin
and correlation with statistical process controls. The LT3060I regulator is
current curves in the Typical Performance Characteristics section.
guaranteed over the full –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature
range. The LT3060MP is 100% tested over the –55°C to 125°C operating
junction temperature range. The LT3060H is 100% tested over the
–40°C to 150°C operating junction temperature range. High junction
temperatures degrade operating lifetimes. Operating lifetime is derated at
junction temperatures greater than 125°C.
Note 4: The LT3060 is tested and specified for these conditions with the
ADJ connected to the OUT pin.
Note 5: Maximum junction temperature limits operating conditions. The
regulated output voltage specification does not apply for all possible
combinations of input voltage and output current. Limit the output current
range if operating at the maximum input-to-output voltage differential.
Limit the input-to-output voltage differential if operating at maximum
output current. Current limit foldback will limit the maximum output
current as a function of input-to-output voltage. See Current Limit vs
VIN – VOUT in the Typical Performance Characteristics section.
Note 9: ADJ pin bias current flows out of the ADJ pin.
Note 10: SHDN pin current flows into the SHDN pin.
Note 11: Reverse output current is tested with the IN pin grounded and the
OUT pin forced to the rated output voltage. This current flows into the OUT
pin and out of the GND pin.
Note 12: To satisfy requirements for minimum input voltage, current limit
is tested at VIN = VOUT(NOMINAL) + 1V or VIN = 2.1V, whichever is greater.
Note 13: This IC includes overtemperature protection that protects the
device during momentary overload conditions. Junction temperature
will exceed 125°C (LT3060E, LT3060I, LT3060MP) or 150°C (LT3060H)
when overtemperature circuitry is active. Continuous operation above the
specified maximum junction temperature may impair device reliability.
Note 14: The dropout voltage specification is guaranteed for the DFN
package. The dropout voltage specification for high output currents cannot
be guaranteed for the TS8 package due to production test limitations.

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