Dimensions LA 55-P (in mm. 1 mm = 0.0394 inch)
Bottom view
Left view
Secondary terminals
Terminal + : supply voltage + 12 .. 15 V
Terminal - : supply voltage - 12 .. 15 V
Terminal M : measure
Standard 00
or N° SP..
Front view
Year Week
Mechanical characteristics
•General tolerance
•Primary through-hole
•Fastening & connection of secondary
Recommended PCB hole
± 0.2 mm
12.7 x 7 mm
3 pins
0.63 x 0.56mm
0.9 mm
•IS is positive when IP flows in the direction of the arrow.
•Temperature of the primary conductor should not exceed
•Dynamic performances (di/dt and response time) are best
with a single bar completely filling the primary hole.
•In order to achieve the best magnetic coupling, the primary
windings have to be wound over the top edge of the device.
•This is a standard model. For different versions (supply
voltages, turns ratios, unidirectional measurements...),
please contact us.
LEM reserves the right to carry out modifications on its transducers, in order to improve them, without previous notice.