RAM Buffer
USB to HomePNA
The USB controller contains a 3K byte (1.5K X 16) internal buffer memory. The memory is used to
buffer data and USB packets and accessed by the 16 Bit processor and the SIE. USB
transactions are automatically routed to the memory buffer. The 16-bit processor has the ability to
set up pointers and block sizes in buffer memory for USB transactions. Data is read from the
interface and is processed and packetized by the 16-bit I/O processor.
PLL Clock Generator
The PLL circuitry is provided to generate the internal 48MHz clock requirements. This circuitry is
designed to allow use of a low cost 12 MHz external crystal which is connected to the USB3 pins
X1 and X2. If an external 12 MHz clock is available in the application, it may be used in lieu of the
crystal circuit and connected directly to the X1 input pin.
USB Interface
The USB controller meets the Universal Serial Bus (USB) specification ver 1.0. The transceiver is
capable of transmitting and receiving serial data at the USB’s full speed, 12 Mbits/sec data rate.
The driver portion of the transceiver is differential, while the receive section is comprised of a
differential receiver and two single ended receivers. Internally, the transceiver interfaces to the
SIE logic. Externally, the transceiver connects to the physical layer of the USB.
1Mb/sec HomePNA Interface
The KL5KUSB111 Controller has a built in 1 Mbit/sec interface to a variety of Home Networking
10Mb/sec Ethernet Interface
The KL5KUSB111 Controller has a built in 10 Mbit/sec 10-base T Ethernet MAC (Media Access
Controller) which is fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard. The KL5KUSB111
connects externally to a 10 Base -T ENDEC PHY. The KL5KUSB111 Controller 16-bit processor
has direct access to the registers of the MAC.
UART Interface
Supports a transfer rate of 900 to 115.2K baud.
Serial EEPROM Support
The USB Controller serial interface is used to provide access to external EEPROM’s. The
interface can support a variety of serial EEPROM formats.
SRAM Interface
An address port and 16-bit data port has been provided to interface to an external SRAM.
Kawasaki LSI • 2570 North First Street • Suite 301 • San Jose, CA 95131 • Tel: (408) 570-0555 • Fax: (408) 570-0567 • www.klsi.com
Ver. 2.3