A 100 µs CE pulse width is used to program. The address is set to the first location. VCC is
raised to 6.5V and VPP is raised to 13.0V. Each address is first programmed with one 100 µs
CE pulse without verification. Then a verification/reprogramming loop is executed for each
address. In the event a byte fails to pass verification, up to 10 successive 100 µs pulses are
applied with a verification after each pulse. If the byte fails to verify after 10 pulses have been
applied, the part is considered failed. After the byte verifies properly, the next address is
selected until all have been checked. VPP is then lowered to 5.0V and VCC to 5.0V. All bytes
are read again and compared with the original data to determine if the device passes or fails.
8 AT27C040