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FM24C32UTLVM8 View Datasheet(PDF) - Fairchild Semiconductor

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Fairchild Semiconductor 
FM24C32UTLVM8 Datasheet PDF : 13 Pages
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Pin Descriptions
Serial Clock (SCL)
The SCL input is used to clock all data into and out of the device.
Serial Data (SDA)
SDA is a bi-directional pin used to transfer data into and out of the
device. It is an open drain output and may be wireORed with any
number of open drain or open collector outputs.
Write Protect (WP)
If tied to VCC, PROGRAM operations onto the upper half (upper
16Kbits) of the memory will not be executed. READ operations are
possible. If tied to VSS, normal operation is enabled, READ/
WRITE over the entire memory is possible.
This feature allows the user to assign the upper half of the memory
as ROM which can be protected against accidental programming.
When write is disabled, slave address and word address will be
acknowledged but data will not be acknowledged.
This pin has an internal pull-down circuit. However, on systems
where write protection is not required it is recommended that this
pin is tied to VSS.
Device Selection Inputs A2, A1 and A0 (as
These inputs collectively serve as chip selectsignal to an
EEPROM when multiple EEPROMs are present on the same IIC
bus. Hence these inputs should be connected to VCC or VSS in a
unique manner to allow proper selection of an EEPROM amongst
multiple EEPROMs. During a typical addressing sequence, every
EEPROM on the IIC bus compares the configuration of these
inputs to the respective 3 bit Device/Page block selection
information (part of slave address) to determine a valid selection.
For e.g. if the 3 bit Device/Page block selectionis 1-0-1, then the
EEPROM whose Device Selection inputs(A2, A1 and A0) are
connected to VCC-VSS-VCC respectively, is selected.
Device Operation
The FM24C32U supports a bi-directional bus oriented protocol.
The protocol defines any device that sends data onto the bus as
a transmitter and the receiving device as the receiver. The device
controlling the transfer is the master and the device that is
controlled is the slave. The master will always initiate data
transfers and provide the clock for both transmit and receive
operations. Therefore, the FM24C32U will be considered a slave
in all applications.
Clock and Data Conventions
Data states on the SDA line can change only during SCL LOW.
SDA state changes during SCL HIGH are reserved for indicating
start and stop conditions. Refer Figure 1.
Start Condition
All commands are preceded by the start condition, which is a
HIGH to LOW transition of SDA when SCL is HIGH. The FM24C32U
continuously monitors the SDA and SCL lines for the start condi-
tion and will not respond to any command until this condition has
been met. Refer Figure 2.
Stop Condition
All communications are terminated by a stop condition, which is a
LOW to HIGH transition of SDA when SCL is HIGH. The stop
condition is also used by the FM24C32U to place the device in the
standby power mode. Refer Figure 2.
FM24C32U Array Addressing
During Read/Write operations, addressing the EEPROM memory
array involves in providing 2 address bytes, Word Address 1and
Word Address 0." However on FM24C32U only the 4 least
significant bits (LSB) of Word Address 1byte are used in
decoding the access location. The remaining 4 bits are not used
and are recommended to be set to 0. All 8 bits of the Word
Address 0byte are used in decoding the access location.
FM24C32U Rev. A.1

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