■ Characteristics
Indication accuracy
Thermocouple: (See note 1.)
E5CN: (±0.5% of indicated value or ±1°C,
whichever is greater) ±1 digit max.
E5CN-U: (±1% of indicated value or ±2°C,
whichever is greater) ±1 digit max.
Platinum resistance thermometer:
(±0.5% of indicated value or ±1°C,
whichever is greater) ±1 digit max.
Analog input: ±0.5% FS ±1 digit max.
CT input: ±5% FS ±1 digit max.
Models with thermocouple/platinum
resistance thermometer (multi-input) input:
0.1 to 999.9 EU (in units of 0.1 EU)
Models with analog input:
0.01 to 99.99% FS (in units of 0.01% FS)
Proportional band (P)
Models with thermocouple/platinum
resistance thermometer (multi-input) input:
0.1 to 999.9 EU (in units of 0.1 EU)
Models with analog input:
0.1 to 999.9% FS (in units of 0.1% FS)
Integral time (I)
0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 s)
Derivative time (D)
0 to 3999 s (in units of 1 s) (See note 3.)
Control period
0.5, 1 to 99 s (in units of 1 s)
Manual reset value
0.0 to 100.0% (in units of 0.1%)
Alarm setting range
-1999 to 9999 (decimal point position
depends on input type)
Sampling period
250 ms
Affect of signal source Thermocouple: 0.1°C/W max. (100 W max.)
(See note 4.)
Platinum resistance thermometer: 0.4°C/W
max. (10 W max.)
Insulation resistance 20 MW min. (at 500 VDC)
Dielectric strength
2,000 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz for 1 min (between
terminals with different charge)
Vibration Malfunction 10 to 55 Hz, 20 m/s2 for 10 min each in X, Y,
and Z directions
Destruction 10 to 55 Hz, 0.75-mm single amplitude for
2 hrs each in X, Y, and Z directions
Malfunction 100 m/s2 min., 3 times each in X, Y, and Z
Destruction 300 m/s2 min., 3 times each in X, Y, and Z
Weight E5CN
Controller: Approx. 150 g, Mounting
Bracket: Approx. 10 g
Controller: Approx. 110 g, Mounting
Bracket: Approx. 10 g
Degree of E5CN
Front panel: NEMA4X for indoor use
(equivalent to IP66)
Rear case: IP20, Terminal section: IP00
Front panel: Equivalent to IP50, rear case:
IP20, terminals: IP00
Memory protection
Non-volatile memory (number of writes:
1,000,000 operations)
Note: 1. The indication of K thermocouples in the -200 to 1300°C
range, T and N thermocouples at a temperature of -100°C
max., and U and L thermocouples at any temperature is
±2°C ±1 digit maximum. The indication accuracy of the B
thermocouple at a temperature of 400°C max. is not
specified. The indication accuracy of the R and S
thermocouples at a temperature of 200°C max. is ±3°C ±1
digit max.
2. “EU” stands for Engineering Unit and is used as the unit
after scaling. For a temperature sensor, the EU is °C or °F.
3. When robust tuning (RT) is ON, the differential time is 0.0 to
999.9 (in units of 0.1 s).
4. B, R, and S sensors: 0.2°C/W max. (100 W max.)
■ Communications Specifications
Transmission RS-485 multipoint
line connection
Communications RS-485 (two-wire, half duplex)
Synchronization Start-stop synchronization
Baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400 bps
Data bit length 7 or 8 bits
Stop bit length 1 or 2 bits
Error detection
Vertical parity (none, even, odd)
Frame check sequence (FCS) with SYSWAY
Block check character (BCC) with CompoWay/F
or CRC-16 Modbus
Flow control
Retry function None
Communications 40 bytes
Communications 0 to 99 ms
response wait Default: 20 ms
Note: The baud rate, data bit length, stop bit length, and vertical
parity can be individually set using the Communications Setting
■ Current Transformer
(Sold Separately)
(E54-CT3 only)
1,000 VAC for 1 min
50 Hz, 98 m/s2
E54-CT1: Approx. 11.5 g, E54-CT3: Approx. 50 g
Armatures (2)
Plugs (2)
Digital Temperature Controllers E5CN/E5CN-U