• Nominal Frequency: 12 MHz
• Operating Mode: Fundamental Mode
• Resonance Mode: Parallel Resonant
• Frequency Initial Stability: ±30 ppm
• Series Resistance: <60 ohms
• Load Capacitance: 10 pF
• Drive Level: 10 µW–100 µW
The MCU function features an internal oscillator. With the
presence of USB traffic, the internal oscillator can be set to
precisely tune to USB timing requirements (24 MHz ±1.5%).
The clock generator provides the 12-MHz and 24-MHz clocks
that remain internal to the microcontroller.
GPIO Interface
The MCU function features up to 20 general-purpose I/O
(GPIO) pins to support USB, PS/2, and other applications. The
I/O pins are grouped into five ports (Port 0 to 4). The pins on
Port 0 and Port 1 may each be configured individually while
the pins on Ports 2, 3, and 4 may only be configured as a
group. Each GPIO port supports high-impedance inputs,
configurable pull up, open drain output, CMOS/TTL inputs,
and CMOS output with up to five pins that support program-
mable drive strength of up to 50-mA sink current. GPIO Port 1
features four pins that interface at a voltage level of 3.3 volts.
Additionally, each I/O pin can be used to generate a GPIO
interrupt to the microcontroller. Each GPIO port has its own
GPIO interrupt vector with the exception of GPIO Port 0. GPIO
Port 0 has three dedicated pins that have independent
interrupt vectors (P0.2–P0.4).
Power-On Reset/Low-Voltage Detect
The power-on reset circuit detects logic when power is applied
to the device, resets the logic to a known state, and begins
executing instructions at Flash address 0x0000. When power
falls below a programmable trip voltage, it generates reset or
may be configured to generate interrupt. There is a
low-voltage detect circuit that detects when VCC drops below
a programmable trip voltage. It may be configurable to
generate an LVD interrupt to inform the processor about the
low-voltage event. POR and LVD share the same interrupt.
There is not a separate interrupt for each. The Watchdog timer
can be used to ensure the firmware never gets stalled in an
infinite loop.
Power Management
The device draws its power supply from the USB Vbus line. The
Vbus supplies power to the MCU function, which has an
internal 3.3 V regulator. This 3.3 V is supplied to the radio
function via P1.2/VREG after proper filtering as shown in Figure
Figure 3. Power Management From Internal Regulator
P1.2 / VReg
The free-running 16-bit timer provides two interrupt sources:
the programmable interval timer with 1-µs resolution and the
1.024-ms outputs. The timer can be used to measure the
duration of an event under firmware control by reading the
timer at the start and at the end of an event, then calculating
the difference between the two values.
USB Interface
The MCU function includes an integrated USB serial interface
engine (SIE) that allows the chip to easily interface to a USB
host. The hardware supports one USB device address with
three endpoints.
Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and Received
Signal Strength Indication (RSSI)
The gain of the receiver may be controlled directly by clearing
the AGC EN bit and writing to the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)
bit of the RX_CFG_ADR register. When the LNA bit is cleared,
the receiver gain is reduced by approximately 20 dB, allowing
accurate reception of very strong received signals (for
example when operating a receiver very close to the trans-
mitter). An additional 20 dB of receiver attenuation can be
added by setting the Attenuation (ATT) bit; this allows data
reception to be limited to devices at very short ranges.
Disabling AGC and enabling LNA is recommended unless
receiving from a device using external PA.
The RSSI register returns the relative signal strength of the
on-channel signal power.
When receiving, the device may be configured to automati-
cally measure and store the relative strength of the signal
being received as a 5-bit value. When enabled, an RSSI
reading is taken and may be read through the SPI interface.
Document #: 001-07552 Rev. *B
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