CrystalClear™ SoundFusion™ Audio Codec ’97
Input Mux Select Register (Index 1Ah) ............................................... 25
Record Gain Register (Index 1Ch) ..................................................... 26
Record Gain Mix (Index 1Eh) ............................................................. 26
General Purpose Register (Index 20h) ............................................... 26
Powerdown Control/Status Register (Index 26h) ...............................27
Reserved Registers (Index 28h - 58h) ................................................ 27
Crystal Revision and Fab ID Register (Index 5Ah) ............................. 27
Vendor Reserved Registers (Index 5C - 7Ah) .................................... 28
Vendor ID1 (Index 7Ch) .....................................................................28
POWER MANAGEMENT ................................................................................... 29
ANALOG HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ............................................................ 29
Line-Level Inputs ....................................................................................... 29
Microphone Level Inputs ........................................................................... 30
Mono Inputs .............................................................................................. 30
Line Level Outputs .................................................................................... 31
Miscellaneous Analog Signals .................................................................. 32
Power Supplies .........................................................................................32
GROUNDING AND LAYOUT ............................................................................. 33
PERFORMANCE PLOTS ................................................................................... 34
PIN DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................... 39
Digital I/O Pins .................................................................................... 39
Analog I/O Pins ..................................................................................40
Filter and Reference Pins ................................................................... 42
Power Supplies ..................................................................................43
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 43
PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ................................................................................... 44
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