Typical Thermal Characteristics (continued)
The CMPWR150TO therefore requires no additional heat
sinking. All thermal characteristics were measured with the
TO-263 package using minimum size solder pads and tab.
Measurements showing performance up to maximum
junction temperature of 125°C were performed under light
load conditions (5mA). This allows the ambient
temperature to be representative of the internal junction
Output Voltage vs. Temperature. Figure 12 shows
the regulator VOUT performance up to the maximum rated
junction temperature. The overall 100°C variation in
junction temperature causes an output voltage change of
about 30mV, reflecting a voltage temperature coefficient
of 90ppm/°C.
Figure 13. Output Voltage (500mA) vs. Temperature.
Thresholds vs. Temperature. Figure 14 shows the
regulator select/deselect threshold variation up to the
maximum rated junction temperature. The overall 100°C
change in junction temperature causes a 30mV variation
in the select threshold voltage (regulator enable). The
deselect threshold level varies about 50mV over the 100°C
change in junction temperature. This results in the built-
in hysteresis having minimal variation over the entire
operating junction temperature range.
Figure 12. Output Voltage vs. Temperature.
Output Voltage (500mA) vs. Temperature. Figure 13
shows the regulator steady state performance when fully
loaded (500mA) in an ambient temperature up to the rated
maximum of 70°C. The output variation at maximum load is
approximately 25mV across the normal temperature range.
Figure 14. Thresholds vs. Temperature.
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