Praetorian III® 4, 6, 8-Channel
EMI Filter Array with ESD Protection
• Four, six, or eight channels of EMI filtering
• ±15kV ESD protection (IEC 61000-4-2, contact
discharge) at external pins
• Greater than -40dB of attenuation at 1GHz
MIL_STD_883 international ESD standard
• Chip Scale Package (CSP) with 0.40mm pitch and
0.25mm CSP solder ball which features extremely
low parasitic inductance for optimum filter and
ESD performance
• OptiGuardTM coating for improved reliability at
• RoHS-compliant, lead-free finishing
• LCD and camera data lines in mobile handsets
• I/O port protection for mobile handsets, notebook
computers, PDAs, etc.
• EMI filtering for data ports in cell phones, PDAs or
notebook computer
• Wireless handsets
• Handheld PCs/PDAs
• LCD and camera modules
Note: Refer to Application Note AP-217, "The Chip Scale
Package", for a detailed description of Chip Scale
Packages offered by California Micro Devices. See
217.pdf for download.
Block Diagram
Functional Description
The CM1457 is an inductor-based (L-C) EMI filter array
with ESD protection, which integrates four, six, or eight
filters in a CSP form factor with 0.40mm pitch. Each EMI
filter channel of the CM1457 is implemented with the
component value of 6pF-35nH–4.7pF-35nH–1.8pF. The
cut-off frequency at -3dB attenuation is 300MHz and can
be used in applications where the data rates are as high as
160Mbps, while providing greater than -35dB attenuation
over the 800MHz to 2.7GHz frequency range. The parts
include ESD diodes on every I/O pin and provide a high
level of protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD).
The ESD protection diodes connected to the external filter
ports are designed and characterized to safely dissipate
ESD strikes of ±15kV, which is beyond the maximum
requirement of the IEC61000-4-2 international standard.
This device is particularly well suited for wireless handsets,
mobile LCD modules and PDAs because of its small
package format and easy-to-use pin assignments. In
particular, the CM1457 is ideal for EMI filtering and
protecting data and control lines for the LCD display and
camera interface in mobile handsets.
The CM1457 incorporates OptiGuardTM which results in
improved reliability at assembly. It is manufactured with a
0.40mm pitch and 0.25mm CSP solder ball to provide up to
28% board space savings vs. competing CSP devices with
0.50mm pitch and 0.30mm CSP solder ball.
(Externa l
Pi ns)
35 nH
6p F
4 .7p F
1 .8 p F
(Interna l
Pin s)
(Pins B1 -B4)
©2010 SCILLC. All rights reserved.
May 2010 – Rev. 4
Publication Order Number: