Power line chokes
I core chokes
Dimensional drawing (dimensions in mm)
78 max.
Tolerances to ISO 2768-C
unless otherwise noted.
Dimensions in mm
Technical data and measuring conditions
Rated voltage VR
500 V AC (50/60 Hz) / 600 V DC
During operation between winding and metal parts
(VDE 0565-2).
Test voltage Vtest
2800 V AC, 2 s (winding/core)
2800 V AC, 2 s (winding/case)
Rated temperature TR
Rated current IR
Permissible operating current at 400 Hz
Rated inductance LR
Inductance tolerance
60 C
Referred to 50 Hz and rated temperature
0.6 · IR
Measured with Agilent 4284A at 0.1 mA, 20 C
Measuring frequency: LR 1 mH = 100 kHz
LR > 1 mH = 10 kHz
20% at 20 C
DC resistance Rtyp
Storage conditions (packaged)
Measured at 20 C, typical values
–25 °C … +40 °C, 75% RH
Climatic category
40/125/56 (to IEC 60068-1)
Approx. 170 … 230 g
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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