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Figure 5.
Figure 6.
For example: if signal frequency is 20hz, C = 2200µF, Rl = 8Ohm , Vcc = 20V (+-20V) from [3] the peak
modulation of any supply is DV ~ 1.8V. (measured ~2V)
NOTE1 : From this formula it is clear that the IC is not able to deliver dc current without generating uncontrolled increase of the supply voltage
This condition happens if the dc current on the load is bigger than the current sinked by the IC. For ex-
ample a short circuit to gnd with the IC not supplied by any signal. In this case the offset of the IC on the
short cicuit generates a dc current and so a supply voltage increase.
To avoid the sure breakdown of the IC there is an internal comparator that senses the total supply and
put the IC in st-by if the total supply is over 55V (TYP)
This means that the electrolityc capacitor to be used must have the maximum operating voltage over the
maximum of [ 55V - (Vcc) ] and Vcc
To summarize the parameter of the electrolitic capacitors:
- Good ESR,ESL at switching frequency (around 100Khz)
- Value consistent with the formula [3]
- Maximum operating voltage of max[(55v-(Vcc); (Vcc)].
NOTE2 : Appl icationin dummy split supply (fig. 7)
The circuit must be supplied with +Vcc, GND, -Vcc. The GND is half of the overall supply.
Using a single supply it is possible to obtain, by the use of a resistive/capacitive devider, the half Vcc to
be used as GND. The schematic can be the following:
Figure 7

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