X1, X2
Biased Crystal Oscillator (Input)
X1 is the input and X2 is the bypass port. When con-
nected for crystal operation, the system clock that ap-
pears at TCLK is half the frequency of the crystal
oscillator. X1 may be driven from an external source of
two times the data rate.
Frequency Setting Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
(VCO) Loop Filter (Output)
This loop filter output is a reference voltage for the re-
ceive path phase detector. It also is a reference for tim-
ing noise immunity circuits in the collision and receive
enable path. Nominal reference VCO gain is 1.25 TCLK
frequency MHz/V.
Receive Path VCO Phase-Locked Loop Filter (Input)
This loop filter input is the control for receive path loop
damping. Frequency of the receive VCO is internally lim-
ited to transmit frequency ±12%. Nominal receive VCO
gain is 0.25 reference VCO gain MHz/V.
Test Control (Input)
A static input that is connected to VCC for Am7992B/
Am7990 operation and to ground for testing of
Receive± path threshold and RCLK output HIGH
parameters. When TEST is grounded, RX is enabled
and RCLK is enabled except during clock acquisition,
when RCLK is HIGH.
High Current Ground
Logic Ground
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Ground
High Current and Logic Supply
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Supply