Figure 15 shows how ACP varies with output power level. The
close-in ACP is a function of the signal coding and is unaffected
by output headroom at these power levels. The ACP measured
at 1.98 MHz carrier offset is −72 dBc at 10 dBm output power
(12 dB below the required 60 dBc). At 4 MHz carrier offset, the
noise and distortion measured in a 1 MHz bandwidth is −75 dBm
at 6 dBm (total) output power (0 dBm per carrier). In a 50 dBm
transmitter, this corresponds to an antenna-referred output
power of −31 dBm (1 MHz), which is 18 dB below what is
required by the CDMA2000 standard.
ACP1 (dBc) – 750kHz OFFSET – 30kHz RBW
ACP3 (dBm) – 4MHz OFFSET – 1MHz RBW
ACP2 (dBc) – 1.98MHz OFFSET – 30kHz RBW
–10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 15. CDMA2000 ACP vs. Output Power per Carrier; 4 Adjacent Carriers
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