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AD822A Datasheet PDF : 28 Pages
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True single-supply operation
Output swings rail-to-rail
Input voltage range extends below ground
Single-supply capability from 3 V to 36 V
Dual-supply capability from ±1.5 V to ±18 V
High load drive
Capacitive load drive of 350 pF, G = +1
Minimum output current of 15 mA
Excellent ac performance for low power
800 μA maximum quiescent current per amplifier
Unity gain bandwidth: 1.8 MHz
Slew rate of 3.0 V/μs
Good dc performance
800 μV maximum input offset voltage
2 μV/°C typical offset voltage drift
25 pA maximum input bias current
Low noise
13 nV/√Hz @ 10 kHz
No phase inversion
Battery-powered precision instrumentation
Photodiode preamps
Active filters
12-bit to 14-bit data acquisition systems
Medical instrumentation
Low power references and regulators
Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail
Low Power FET-Input Op Amp
OUT1 1
–IN1 2
+IN1 3
V– 4 AD822
8 V+
7 OUT2
6 –IN2
5 +IN2
Figure 1. 8-Lead PDIP (N Suffix); 8-Lead MSOP (RM Suffix);
and 8-Lead SOIC (R Suffix)
The AD822 is a dual precision, low power FET input op amp
that can operate from a single supply of 3.0 V to 36 V or dual
supplies of ±1.5 V to ±18 V. It has true single-supply capability
with an input voltage range extending below the negative rail,
allowing the AD822 to accommodate input signals below
ground in the single-supply mode. Output voltage swing
extends to within 10 mV of each rail, providing the maximum
output dynamic range.
Figure 2. Input Voltage Noise vs. Frequency
Offset voltage of 800 μV maximum, offset voltage drift of 2 μV/°C,
input bias currents below 25 pA, and low input voltage noise
provide dc precision with source impedances up to a gigaohm. The
1.8 MHz unity gain bandwidth, –93 dB THD at 10 kHz, and 3 V/μs
slew rate are provided with a low supply current of 800 μA per
(continued on Page 3)
Rev. G
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