Preliminary Technical Data
Serial Data Input in Daisy Chain mode. The data from each AD7280 in the Daisy Chain will be passed through
the SDOlo outputs and SDIhi inputs of each AD7280 in the chain and supplied to the uP/DSP through the SDO
output of the master AD7280. This input should be connected to the SDOlo output of the AD7280 immediately
above it in potential on the Daisy Chain.
CNVSThi Conversion Start Output in Daisy Chain mode. The convert start signal from the uP/DSP supplied to the CNVST
input of the Master AD7280 is passed through each AD7280 by means of the CNVST input and the CNVSThi
output. This output should be connected to the CNVST pin of the AD7280 immediately above it in potential on
the Daisy Chain.
Serial Data Output in Daisy Chain mode. The Serial Data input from the uP/DSP supplied to the SDI input of the
Master AD7280 is passed through each AD7280 by means of the SDI input and the SDOhi output. This output
should be connected to the SDI input of the AD7280 immediately above it in potential on the Daisy Chain.
Serial Clock Output in Daisy Chain mode. The clock signal from the uP/DSP supplied to the SCLK input of the
Master AD7280 is passed through each AD7280 by means of the SCLK input and the SCLKhi output. This output
should be connected to the SCLK input of the AD7280 immediately above it in potential in the Daisy Chain.
Chip select Output in Daisy Chain mode. The chip select signal from the uP/DSP supplied to the CS input of the
Master AD7280 is passed through each AD7280 by means of the CS input and the CShi output. This output
should be connected to the CS input of the AD7280 immediately above it in potential on the Daisy Chain.
Power down Output in Daisy Chain mode. The power down signal from the uP/DSP supplied to the PD input of
the Master AD7280 is passed through each AD7280 by means of the PD input and the PDhi output. This output
should be connected to the PD pin of the AD7280 immediately above it in potential on the Daisy Chain.
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