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CS4391-KZ(2000) View Datasheet(PDF) - Cirrus Logic

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Cirrus Logic 
CS4391-KZ Datasheet PDF : 40 Pages
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1. CHARACTERISTICS/SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................... 5
ANALOG CHARACTERISTICS...................................................................................... 5
DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS....................................................................................... 7
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ................................................................................. 7
RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS............................................................. 7
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - PCM MODES....................................................... 8
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - DSD ..................................................................... 9
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - I2C CONTROL PORT ........................................ 10
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS - SPI CONTROL PORT ....................................... 11
2. TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAMS ............................................................................ 12
3. REGISTER QUICK REFERENCE ................................................................................... 14
3.1 Mode Control 1 (address 01h)................................................................................ 14
3.2 Volume and Mixing Control (address 02h) ............................................................. 15
3.3 Channel A Volume Control (address 03h).............................................................. 15
3.4 Channel B Volume Control (address 04h).............................................................. 15
3.5 Mode Control 2 (address 05h)................................................................................ 16
4. REGISTER DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. 17
4.1 Mode Control 1 - Address 01h................................................................................ 17
4.1.1 Auto-Mute (Bit 7) .............................................................................17
4.1.2 Digital Interface Formats (Bits 6:4) ..................................................17
4.1.3 De-Emphasis Control (Bits 3:2) .......................................................17
4.1.4 Functional Mode (Bits 1:0) ..............................................................17
4.2 Volume and Mixing Control (Address 02h)............................................................. 18
4.2.1 Channel A Volume = Channel B Volume (Bit 7) ..............................18
4.2.2 Soft Ramp or Zero Cross Enable (Bits 6:5) .....................................18
4.2.3 ATAPI Channel Mixing and Muting (Bits 4:0) ..................................18
4.3 Channel A Volume Control - Address 03h.............................................................. 18
4.4 Channel B Volume Control - Address 04h.............................................................. 19
4.4.1 Mute (Bit 7) ......................................................................................19
4.4.2 Volume Control (Bits 6:0) ................................................................19
4.5 Mode Control 2 - Address 05h................................................................................ 19
4.5.1 Invert Signal Polarity (Bits 7:6) ........................................................19
4.5.2 Control Port Enable (Bit 5) ..............................................................19
4.5.3 Power Down (Bit 4) .........................................................................19
4.5.4 AMUTEC = BMUTEC (Bit 3) ...........................................................19
4.5.5 Freeze (Bit 2) ..................................................................................20
4.5.6 Master Clock Divide (Bit 1) ..............................................................20
5. PIN DESCRIPTION - PCM DATA MODE ........................................................................ 21
Reset - RST.................................................................................................................. 21
Interface Power - VL..................................................................................................... 21
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