The apparent zero point of the AD570 can be adjusted by in-
serting an offset voltage between the analog common of the de-
vice and the actual signal return or signal common. Figure 7
illustrates two methods of providing this offset. Figure 7a shows
how the converter zero may be offset by up to ± 3 bits to correct
the device initial offset and/or input signal offsets. As shown, the
circuit gives approximately symmetrical adjustment in unipolar
mode. In bipolar mode R2 should be omitted to obtain a sym-
metrical range.
Figure 7a.
Figure 7b.
Figure 8 shows the nominal transfer curve near zero for an
AD570 in unipolar mode. The code transitions are at the edges
of the nominal bit weights. In some applications it will be pref-
erable to offset the code transitions so that they fall between the
nominal bit weights, as shown in the offset characteristics. This
offset can easily be accomplished as shown in Figure 7b.
At balance (after a conversion) approximately 2 mA flows into
the analog common terminal. A 10 Ω resistor in series with this
terminal will result in approximately the desired 1/2 bit offset of
the transfer characteristics. The nominal 2 mA analog common
current is not closely controlled in manufacture. If high accuracy
is required, a 20 Ω potentiometer (connected as a rheostat) can
be used as R1. Additional negative offset range may be obtained
by using larger values of R1. Of course, if the zero transition
point is changed, the full-scale transition point will also move.
Thus, if an offset of 1/2 LSB is introduced, full-scale trimming
as described on previous page should be done with an analog
input of 9.941 volts.
Figure 8. AD570 Transfer Curve—Unipolar Operation
(Approximate Bit Weights Shown for Illustration, Nominal
Bit Weights ϳ 36.1 mV)
NOTE: During a conversion transient currents from the analog
common terminal will disturb the offset voltage. Capacitive de-
coupling should not be used around the offset network. These
transients will settle as appropriate during a conversion. Capaci-
tive decoupling will “pump up” and fail to settle resulting in
conversion errors. Power supply decoupling which returns to
analog signal common should go to the signal input side of the
resistive offset network.
There are several important timing and control features on the
AD570 which must be understood precisely to allow optimal
interfacing to microprocessor or other types of control systems.
All of these features are shown in the timing diagram in Figure 9.
The normal standby situation is shown at the left end of the
drawing. The BLANK and CONVERT (B & C) line is held
high, the output lines will be “open”, and the DATA READY
(DR) line will be high. This mode is the lowest power state of
the device (typically 150 mW). When the (B & C ) line is
brought low, the conversion cycle is initiated; but the DR and
data lines do not change state. When the conversion cycle is
complete (typically 25 µs), the DR line goes low, and within
500 ns, the data lines become active with the new data.
About 1.5 µs after the B & C line is again brought high, the DR
line will go high and the data lines will go open. When the
B & C line is again brought low, a new conversion will begin.
The minimum pulse width for the B & C line to blank previous
data and start a new conversion is 2 µs. If the B & C line is
brought high during a conversion, the conversion will stop, and