PCB Interface & Mounting instructions
Mounting Consideration and board description
The ACPF- 7002 FBAR filter has one input (Pin 1),
one output (Pin 3) and two grounds (Pins 2, 4). TOP
Input connection
• Demo board uses 3 mil Getek Microstrip.
The demoboard uses CPWG transmission lines for
high isolation between the two ports. It uses via
holes to connect the CPWG line from the
underside of the board to the filter mounting pads
on top.
For best performance, try to reproduce this board stack up
closely. If Ground-Signal-Ground (GSG) type board is used,
better return loss can be achieved since it eliminates
connector mismatch.
Figure 8. PCB Footprint pad
Output connection
Demo boards
Demo boards are available.
(See board drawing in Figure 7, 8, 9).
Layer1 (signal)
Layer 2 (ground)
Getek ML200D ( T=3.9)
Layer 3 (signal)
Getek ML200D ( T=4.2)
0.7 mils
3 mils
0.7 mils
Figure 9. Closer look at the recommended board footprint and soldermask
28 mils
Getek material ML200D and RG200D
Figure 7. Board stack up description