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A8504EC View Datasheet(PDF) - Allegro MicroSystems

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A8504EC Datasheet PDF : 18 Pages
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WLED/RGB Backlight Driver for Medium Size LCDs
Application Information
Design Example
This section provides a method for selecting component values
when designing an application using the A8504.
Assumptions For the purposes of this example, the following are
given as the application requirements:
• VBAT: 8 to 21 V
• VIN: 5 V
• Quantity of LED channels: 6
• Quantity of LEDs per channel: 8
• LED current per channel, ILED: 40 mA
• Vf at 40 mA: 3 to 3.4 V
• fSW: 2 MHz
• TA(max): 65°C
Dimming Use a 100 Hz PWM signal on the PWM pin. The
A8504 can work with wide range of PWM frequencies, taking
about 6 μs typical (10 μs maximum) to turn on. This delay may
have a noticeable effect at high PWM frequencies combined with
low duty cycles. For example, at 100 Hz and 10% duty cycle, the
PWM on-period is 1 ms. In that period, a delay of 6 μs causes
only a 0.6% error. If the PWM frequency is 1 kHz, this error
is 6%. However, error due to turn-on delay can be nullified by
increasing the applied PWM duty cycle.
Procedure The procedure consists of selecting the appropriate
configuration and then the individual component values, in an
ordered sequence.
1. Identify the SELx pins to use. For 6 channels:
• connect pins SEL1 and SEL3 to VIN
• connect pin SEL2 to AGND
2. Connect LEDs to pins LED1 through LED6 (leave pins
LED7 and LED8 open).
3. Select resistor RISET (connected between pin ISET and
AGND). Given ILED = 40 mA and VISET = 1.23 V typical,
RISET = 1.23 / (40/460) = 14.2 kΩ .
Select a common value: 14.3 kΩ, 1%.
4. Select resistor RFSET (connected between pin FSET and
AGND). Given:
RFSET = 26.03 /fSW ,
for a 2 MHz switching frequency, select:
RFSET = 26.03 / 2 = 13 kΩ .
5. Select resistor ROVP (connect to the OVP pin to set the OVP
level, VOUT(max)). Given Vf (max) = 3.4 V, then:
VOUT(max) = 3.4 × 8 + 0.5 = 27.7 V .
With a 15% margin, to set the output OVP level, given an
IOVPH of 49 μA typical, and VOVP = 30 V:
ROVP = (32 – 30) / 49 = 40.8 kΩ .
Select a common value: 41.2 kΩ.
6. Select inductor L1. This should assume a maximum duty
cycle, D(max), at VBAT(min) and 90% efficiency.
D = 1– (VBAT × η) / VOUT
D(max) = 1– (8 × 0.9) / 27.7 = 74% .
Then calculate maximum switch on-time:
ton(max) = D(max) / fSW
= 0.74 / 2 MHz = 370 ns .
Maximum input current can be calculated as:
IBAT = (VOUT × IOUT) / (VBAT(min) × η)
IBAT(max) = [27.7 (40 × 6)] / (8 × 0.9) = 923 mA .
Set inductor ripple at 60% of IBAT(max):
IL = 0.6 × 923 = 554 mA
Given, during switch on-time:
VBAT = L × IL × fSW / D
8 = L × 0.554 × 2 / 0.74, and
L = 5.3 μH .
Select a common value, 6.8 μH.
It is recommended to select an inductor that can handle a DC
current level that is greater than 923 mA, at the peak current
level (saturation) of 923 mA + 554 / 2 = 1200 mA. This is
to ensure that the inductor does not saturate at any steady
state or transient condition, within specified temperature and
tolerance ranges. Inductor saturation level decreases with
increasing temperature. It is advisable to use a inductor with
a saturation level of 1.6 A, because the switch current limit
is 1.8 A typical. The inductor should have a minimum DC
resistance and core loss for better efficiency.
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.

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