on the load terminals. A typical multimeter will not supply sufficient
voltage to cause the relay to change state. Second, AC SSRs contain
zero-voltage turn-on and zero-current turn-off circuits. The SSR will
not be able to turn on unless there is AC voltage connected to the
output terminals. Most test equipment will supply a DC voltage to the
relay, so it will never see the zero-voltage transition it requires to turn
on. To test an SSR, it is best to operate it at the actual line voltage it
will be used at, driving a load such as a large light bulb.
Q : I have an SSR driving a load. The load turns on okay, but
never seems to turn off, unless I remove power from the relay
entirely. What might be happening?
A: This is normally a problem when using an SSR with a
high-impedance load, such as a neon lamp or a small solenoid. Loads
like these often have relatively large initial currents, but relatively small
“hold in” currents. The result is that the off-state leakage current
through the relay (see previous section) is insufficient to cause the
load to turn on to start with, but sufficient to keep it on, once started.
The solution is to place a power resistor, sized for 8–10 times the rated
maximum leakage current for the SSR in parallel with the load. Make
sure that this resistor has a high enough power rating for the
application. For example, for a 5 mA leakage current at 120 VAC, a
resistor drawing 50 mA would be desirable. Using Ohm’s Law, the
resistor value becomes 2,400 ohms. This resistor will dissipate 6 watts,
so a 7.5 or 10-watt size power resistor should be used.
Q : I have a new AC SSR driving a solenoid. It turns on okay
once, but will not turn on again. What is going on?
A: Some solenoids, some types of halogen lights, and some types of
strobe lights incorporate a diode in series with the coil or filament.
This causes the light to behave as a half-wave rectifier. Opto 22 SSRs
have a built-in R-C snubber circuit in parallel with the output. The
capacitor in this circuit charges up but cannot discharge through the
series diode, causing a voltage to appear across the SSR terminals.
Because the SSR must detect the AC waveform cross through zero
volts on the load terminals, it will not be able to turn on again. The
solution here would be to put a high-value resistor (several tens of
Kohms) across the terminals of the relay, to allow the capacitor to
drain its charge.
Form 0859-180904
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