1For 18-bit resolution, 1 LSB = 0.00038% of FSR. For 16-bit resolution, 1 LSB = 0.0015% of FSR. For 14-bit resolution, 1 LSB = 0.006% of FSR. FSR stands for
full-scale range and is 10 V in unipolar mode and 20 V in bipolar mode.
2Characteristics are guaranteed at VOUT Pin (23).
3TCAL is the calibration temperature.
4Gain Error is measured with a fixed 50 resistor as shown in Figure 5a and Figure 6a.
5Gain Error and gain drift are measured with the internal reference. The internal reference is the main contributor to the gain drift. If lower drift is required, the
AD760 can be used with a precision external reference such as the AD587, AD586 or AD688.
6DAC Gain Error is measured without the on-chip voltage reference. It represents the performance that can be obtained with an external precision reference.
7External current is defined as the current available in addition to that supplied to REF IN and SPAN/BIPOLAR OFFSET on the AD760.
8Operation on ±12 V supplies is possible using an external reference such as the AD586 and reducing the output range. Refer to the Internal/External Reference
Specifications subject to change without notice.
AC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS With the exception of Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise and Signal-to-Noise
Ratio, these characteristics are included for design guidance only and are not subject to test. THD+N and SNR are 100% tested. (TMIN < TA
< TMAX, VCC = +15 V, VEE = –15 V, VLL = +5 V, tested at VOUT except where noted.)
Limit Units
Output Settling Time
(Time to +0.0008% FS, with
2 k , 1000 pF Load)
µs max
µs typ
µs typ
µs typ
µs typ
2.5 µs typ
MUXOUT Recovery Time
(Time to +0.0008% FS, with
100 pF Load)
µs typ
Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise
A, S Grade
A, S Grade
A, S Grade
0.005 % max
0.03 % max
3.0 % max
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
dB min
Digital-to-Analog Glitch Impulse
nV-s typ
MUXOUT Glitch Impulse
Digital Feedthrough
nV-s typ
nV-s typ
Output Noise Voltage Density (1 kHz–1 MHz) 120 nV/ Hz typ
Reference Noise (1 kHz–1 MHz)
125 nV/ Hz typ
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Test Conditions/Comments
20 V Step, TA = +25°C
20 V Step, TA = +25°C
20 V Step
10 V Step, TA = +25°C
10 V Step
1 LSB Step
Recovery time is referenced to the rising edge of CALOK,
when MUXOUT switches from MUXIN to VOUT.
MUXIN = VOUT prior to calibration.
MUXIN, VOUT = –10 V to +10 V
0 dB, 1001 Hz. Sample Rate = 100 kHz. TA = +25°C
–20 dB, 1001 Hz. Sample Rate = 100 kHz. TA = +25°C
–60 dB, 1001 Hz. Sample Rate = 100 kHz. TA = +25°C
TA = +25°C, byte load
DAC alternately loaded with 8000H and 7FFFH
100 pF Load. MUXIN = VOUT = negative full scale
DAC alternately loaded with 0000H and FFFFH. CS high
Measured at VOUT, 20 V span, excludes internal reference
Measured at REF OUT