150mA Low Dropout Voltage Regulators
The PJ2951 output voltage is
programmable for any value from it
reference voltage of 1.250 volt
and it maximum rating of 30 volt .
For example for 5 volt needs to pin-
strapped and using the internal
voltage divider by tying pin 1 to 2
and pin 7 to pin 6. Refer to Figure
2, there are two ext ernal resistor
required for this programming .
It could be an advantage to reduce
the AC noise present at the output
One way is to reduce the regulator
bandwidth by increasing the value of
the output capacitor . this is the only
method that noise could reduce on
the PJ2950 but is relatively
inefficient , as increasing capacitor
from 1μF to 220μF only decreas es
the noise from 430μV to 160 μV
Refer to the below equation for the
programming the output voltage:
Volt = Vref x (1+R1\R2)+IFBR1
The Vref is 1.250 and IFB is the
feedback bias current , nominally -20
nA. The minimum recommended
load current of 1μA forces an upper
limit of 1.2MΩ on value of R2 , If
no load presented the IFB produces
error of typically 2% in Vout which
rms . for a 100KHz bandwidth at 5
volt output .
Noise could be also reduce by
fourfold by a bypass capacitor
across R1 since it reduces the high
frequency gain from 4 to unity . pick
CBYPASS = 1 / 2πR1 x 200Hz or
choose 0.01 μF . When doing this,
the output capacitor must be
increas ed to 3.3 μF to maintain
maybe eliminated at room
temperature by trimming R1 . To
improve the accuracy chooses the
value of R2 =100K and this
reduces the error by 0.17% and
increas es the resistor program
current by 12 μ A . The PJ2951
typically draw 60 μA at no load
with pin 2 open-circuit,and this
value does not look much .
stability . These changes the output
noise from 430μV rms . for a 100
kHz bandwidth 5 & 3.3 volt output.
With the bypass capacitor added,
noise no longer scales with output
voltage so that improvements are
more dramatic higher output
voltage .