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Most of the functions of the AD734 (including division, unlike
the AD534 in this respect) are realized with Z1 connected to W.
Therefore, substituting W in place of Z1 in Equation 2 results in
an output.
X 2 )(Y1
The free input, Z2, can be used to sum another signal to the
output; in the absence of a product signal, W simply follows the
voltage at Z2 with the full 10 MHz bandwidth. When not needed
for summation, Z2 should be connected to the ground
associated with the load circuit. The allowable polarities can be
shown in the following shorthand form:
(±W) = (±X)(±Y ) + ± Z
(+U )
In the recommended direct divider mode, the Y input is set to a
fixed voltage (typically 10 V) and U is varied directly; it can have
any value from 10 mV to 10 V. The magnitude of the ratio X/U
cannot exceed 1.25; for example, the peak X input for U = 1 V is
±1.25 V. Above this level, clipping occurs at the positive and
negative extremities of the X input. Alternatively, the AD734
can be operated using the standard (AD534) divider connections
(see Figure 27), when the negative feedback path is established
via the Y2 input. Substituting W for Y2 in Equation 2,
(( )) W = U
Z2 Z1
X1 X2
+ Y1
In this case, note that the variable X is now the denominator,
and the previous restriction (X/U ≤ 1.25) on the magnitude of
the X input does not apply. However, X must be positive for the
feedback polarity to be correct. Y1 can be used for summing
purposes or connected to the load ground if not needed. The
shorthand form in this case is
(±W) = (+U) (±Z) + (±Y )
(+ X )
In some cases, feedback can be connected to two of the available
inputs. This is true for the square-rooting connections (see
Figure 28), where W is connected to both X1 and Y2. Set X1 =
W and Y2 = W in Equation 2, and anticipating the possibility of
again providing a summing input, set X2 = S and Y1 = S, so that,
in shorthand form,
(±W) = (+U)(+Z) + (±S)
This is seen more generally to be the geometric-mean function,
because both U and Z can be variable; operation is restricted to
one quadrant. Feedback can also be taken to the U interface.
Full details of the operation in these modes is provided in the
Wideband RMS-to-DC Converter Using U Interface section.
A valuable new feature of the AD734 is the provision to replace
the internal denominator voltage, U, with any value from 10 mV to
10 V. This can be used
To simply alter the multiplier scaling, thus improve accu-
racy and achieve reduced noise levels when operating with
small input signals.
To implement an accurate two-quadrant divider, with a
1000:1 gain range and an asymptotic gain-bandwidth
product of 200 MHz.
To achieve certain other special functions, such as
AGC or rms.
Figure 21 shows the internal circuitry associated with
denominator control. Note, first, that the denominator is
actually proportional to a current, Iu, having a nominal value of
356 μA for U = 10 V, whereas the primary reference is a voltage,
generated by a buried-Zener circuit and laser-trimmed to have a
very low temperature coefficient. This voltage is nominally 8 V
with a tolerance of ±10%.
U0 3
U1 4
U2 5
356µA for
U = 10V
9 ER
8 VN
Figure 21. Denominator Control Circuitry
After temperature-correction (block TC), the reference voltage
is applied to Transistor Qd and trimmed Resistor Rd, which
generate the required reference current. Transistor Qu and
Resistor Ru are not involved in setting up the internal denomina-
tor, and their associated control pins, U0, U1, and U2, are
normally grounded. The reference voltage is also made
available, via the 100 kΩ resistor, Rr, at Pin 9 (ER).
When the control pin, DD (denominator disable), is connected
to VP, the internal source of Iu is shut off, and the collector
current of Qu must provide the denominator current. The resistor
Ru is laser-trimmed such that the multiplier denominator is
exactly equal to the voltage across it (that is, across Pin U1 and
Pin U2). Note that this trimming only sets up the correct
internal ratio; the absolute value of Ru (nominally 28 kΩ) has a
tolerance of ±20%. Also, the alpha of Qu (typically 0.995), which
may be seen as a source of scaling error, is canceled by the alpha of
other transistors in the complete circuit.
In the simplest scheme (see Figure 22), an externally provided
control voltage, VG, is applied directly to U0 and U2 and the
resulting voltage across Ru is therefore reduced by one VBE. For
example, when VG = 2 V, the actual value of U is about 1.3 V.
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